Your refund will be immediately processed to your original form of payment.Store officials will check your order and direct your item for returning if everything is fine.Visit the reception desk and produce the invoice slip along with the merchandise to be returned.Also, remember to bring the invoice along with the credit card used for the purchase. Before proceeding for the return you should look for the nearby Pacsun’s store.Follow the below steps to return the Pacsun’s products: Returning via store mode is pretty easy as you just need to visit nearby Pacsun’s store. We have provided a detailed explanation of both the methods. If you bought something from Pacsun you will have two options to return the product – By mail or by visiting the store. Try to return the products in their original packing. If you aren’t satisfied with the company’s products, you may return or exchange your product conveniently. If you have bought some items from Pacsun’s and you are looking for details to return the product, we are here to help you. However, if you are not able to return the product within 30 days but the refund will be in form of an e-gift card. You can return the company’s products within 30 days. Orders after this return window will receive a gift card. PacSun allow customers to return products to their store or via mail within 30 days of making their purchase.